Welcome to wrenbirdarts!

Whether you are ready to sign up for a workshop, and learn the ins and outs of mending, or you are wanting to embellish or repair your items with a pattern or embroidery, there's lots to discover here at wrenbirdarts!

If you are just now dipping your toe into mending, I offer live and recorded workshops, lots of tutorials over on the Blog page, and plenty of visible mending patterns, each with written instructions, or watch a video tutorial over on the Teachable site. I've been at this for awhile, so I have lots of resources to share with you. Make sure to sign up for the newsletter to keep up with all of the happenings!

And if you have a specific question about a product or workshop, hit that Chat button in the corner, and I'll respond to you as soon as I can!

New Mending Patterns!

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Visible Mending Materials & Embroidery Patterns

Shop all of the goodies here

The Mending Directory!

Click here to order a signed copy!

Take a workshop with me

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Tutorials & Examples